Friday, August 31, 2012


So my blog is probably going to end up being like 90% Panic! At The Disco and my first post is about them being back in the studio. FINALLY. Their last album was released in March of 2011 so kind of a while ago. Brendon Urie even made and Instagram and has been posting a lot of pictures of the studio. I'm really excited because like as if it wasn't obvious enough, I love them. And I'm really hoping the new album sounds kind of like their Second CD, Pretty Odd. That's my favorite of theirs but a lot of people don't like it as much. I don't know why or care to be honest lol. But anyway, they spent a lot of time in Russia over the summer touring so they're back in the US finally and only more good things are coming out of it!! I really just want them to drop their first single or at least a small part of what they've been working on. I'd probably die though I don't know haha. But wee I leave you with this from Mr. Urie's twitter/instagram ~


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